Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay on Ethics in Counseling - 1788 Words
In â€Å"How Good People Make Tough Choices: Resolving the Dilemmas of Ethical Living,†author Rushworth M. Kidder defined ethics as: The capacity to recognize the nature of moral challenges and respond with a will tuned conscience. Counselors are continually faced with the realization that ethical decision-making is an evolutionary process that requires continual open mindedness and an ability to be self-critical. They must possess the ability to recognize their own issues including, counter-transference, the limits of their multi-cultural competence, informed consent and the possible pit-falls associated with multiple relationships; while keeping the best interest of the client as the most central issue. They are not always given†¦show more content†¦I personally might have somewhat of a difficult time separating personal feelings in regard to counseling pregnant teenagers, abusive spouses or adulterers. I believe that some counselors might be tempted to act in an unethical manner when faced with a situation that hits close to home; something that is similar to a situation or incident that they have experienced in their own lives. One such example is a client confessing to a counselor that he/she might be an adulterer or a kleptomaniac. Might be difficult for a counselor with deep seeded religious beliefs or very law-abiding to put aside his/her personal beliefs and treat the client’s issue. To someone with a deep seeded belief that stealing is morally wrong, it might be difficult to put aside personal feelings about someone habitually stealing vice taking the holistic view that kleptomania as an uncontrollable problem. Dealing with the issue of adultery could also be problematic for a counselor who, in the past had been on the receiving end of an adulterous relationship. It could be a little difficult for the counselor to empathize with a client doing the cheating. In these situations, it might be a challenge not to exhibit countertransference, blocking his/her objectivity and preventingShow MoreRelatedEthics : The Ethics Of Counseling1308 Words  | 6 Pagesthe ethics of counseling in groups, one must first understand the term â€Å"ethics†. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the term ethics can be defined as, â€Å"rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad†By establishing a code of ethics, professionals are aware of what can be expected from them, as far as morals and values are concerned, in order to avoid behavior that can be determined unethical. Counseling is most certainly a profession in which a code of ethics are establishedRead MoreEthics in Counseling1333 Words  | 6 PagesEthics In Counseling Ivan C. Brooks Jr. Capella University Suicidal thoughts typical stem from some trauma that one might be subjected to sometime in their lives. Suicide is not the answer but sometimes its what people seek for to obtain closure. I will discuss a situation where a sexual relations what used to rationalize an inappropriate and ethically wrong situation by a counselor. This is taken direct from the text: Dorothy, age 23, seeks counseling from Gerald, an LPC in privateRead MoreEthic in Counseling4546 Words  | 19 PagesAbstract It is the purpose of this paper to address the topic of ethics in group counseling. This author will define what group ethics is according to the psychological organizations such as the American Counseling Association (ACA), and the Association of Specialist in Group Work (ASGW). This author will also address what the American Association of Christian Counselor (AACC) has to say about the ethical standards for Christian Counseling. To effectively practice ethically group therapy a counselorRead MoreEthics, Counseling, And Counseling Practice891 Words  | 4 PagesAt some point in counseling, counselors will be faced with the decision to proceed in an ethical manner when situations arise. In spite of personal opinions, the use of ethical practice provides guidance, balance, and integrity in the counseling field. The use of the Gallagher survey reported deficiencies in counseling practice centers â€Å"between 1986 and 2008 where a total of 86 counseling centers had been the tar get of at least one lawsuit or another legal challenge due to unethical practices†Read MoreEssay on Counseling Ethics804 Words  | 4 Pagespracticing. And even with all this; â€Å"It is more helpful and effective to work within the framework of an established theory†¦practicing counseling without an explicit theoretical rational is somewhat like flying a plane without a map and without instruments. Theoretical orientation should not be a rigid structure that prescribes the specific steps of what to do in counseling, rather, theory should be a set of guidelines that counselors can use to make sense of what they are doing†(Collins1991, 90). ItRead MoreEssay on Counseling Ethics1249 Words  | 5 PagesMETA-ETHICS: Meta-ethics is the branch of ethics that seeks to understand the nature of ethical properties, and ethical statements, attitudes, and judgments. Meta-ethics as a discipline gained attention with G.E. Moores famous work Principia Ethica from 1903 in which Moore first addressed what he referred to as the naturalistic fallacy. Moores rebuttal of naturalistic ethics, his Open Question Argument sparked an interest within the analytic branch of western philosophy to concern oneself withRead MoreThe Ethics Of Group Counseling885 Words  | 4 PagesEthics in Group Counseling According to the American Counseling Association (ACA, 2014) Code of Ethics, ethical principles are based on a set of values that include autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity, and veracity. These ethics apply to all types of counseling, including both group and individual therapy; however, different aspects of these ethical guidelines must be considered based on the therapeutic approach. This paper will identify several of these ethical issues asRead MoreEthics in Multicultural Counseling3154 Words  | 13 PagesEthical Issues in Multicultural Counseling Abstract In the past, counselors have lacked the knowledge and skills to interpret ethical guidelines in multicultural counseling. The ethical guidelines dictate how a counselor should have the necessary tools when conducting a counseling session. There is a shortfall of training and education when dealing with race, ethnicity, and cultural backgrounds in today’s society. Ethics is a hot topic for counselors, partially because there are so many differentRead MoreThe Ethics Of Group Counseling Essay2508 Words  | 11 PagesEthics in Group Counseling Group counseling may be adverted to as a course of counseling, which takes a group of people coming together under one or more trained therapists, who simultaneously facilitate them and promote them to help one another to overcome their challenges. The group members are usually peers who may not necessarily face the same problem, but their problems may be linked. According to Jacobs, Masson, Harvill and Schimmel (2012), all members in a counseling group wish and desireRead MoreChristian Counseling Ethics1839 Words  | 8 PagesSummarize the five ethical guidelines for integrating spirituality into counseling. Discuss the ethical concerns that each guideline is attempting to address. According to Craig Cashwell and J. Young (2011) one of the five ethical guidelines are (1) Religion and spirituality are widely practiced in the United States - â€Å"researchers have found that 96% of people leaving in the United States believe in a higher power, more than 90% pray, 69% are members of a religious community†(p. 13). Furthermore
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay on The Right to Physician Assisted Suicide - 1887 Words
The right to assisted suicide is a significant topic that concerns people all over the United States. The debates go back and forth about whether a dying patient has the right to die with the assistance of a physician. Some are against it because of religious and moral reasons. Others are for it because of their compassion and respect for the dying. Physicians are also divided on the issue. They differ where they place the line that separates relief from dying--and killing. For many the main concern with assisted suicide lies with the competence of the terminally ill. Many terminally ill patients who are in the final stages of their lives have requested doctors to aid them in exercising active euthanasia. It is sad to realize†¦show more content†¦For the terminally ill, however, it is just a means of prolonging suffering. Medicine is supposed to alleviate the suffering that a patient undergoes.Yet the only thing that medical technology does for a dying patient i s give that patient more pain and agony day after day. Some terminal patients in the past have gone to their doctors and asked for a final medication that would take all the pain away- lethal drugs. For example, as Ronald Dworkin recounts, Lillian Boyes, an English woman who was suffering from a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis, begged her doctor to assist her to die because she could no longer stand the pain (184). Another example is Dr. Ali Khalili, Dr. Jack Kevorkians twentieth patient. According to Kevorkians attorney, [Dr. Khalili] was a pain specialist; he could get any kind of pain medication, but he came to Dr. Kevorkian. There are times when pain medication does not suffice(qtd. in Cotton 363). Terminally ill patients should have the right to assisted suicide because it is the best means for them to end the pain caused by an illness which no drug can cure. A competent terminal patient must have the option of assisted suicide because it is in the best interes t of that person. Further, a dying persons physical suffering can be most unbearable to that persons immediate family. Medical technology has failedShow MoreRelatedThe Rights Of Physician Assisted Suicide1347 Words  | 6 PagesThe Right to Die By: Antony Makhlouf Antony Makhlouf PHR 102-006 Contemporary Moral Issues Final Paper The Right to Die Physician-assisted suicide, also known as euthanasia, has been a hot topic as of late. If you do not know what this is, physician-assisted suicide is the taking of ones life. This usually occurs when a patient is in a irreversible state, and must live through a tube. With multiple cases occurring in the past, current and the more to occur the in the future, this looksRead MoreThe Right Of Physician Assisted Suicide1968 Words  | 8 PagesThe Right to Physicians Assisted Suicide Brittany Micceri Dominican College Dr. Bonk November 15, 2015 The Right To Physician Assisted Suicide Physician assisted suicide, or PAS, has always been a very controversial topic. This touches upon the healthcare side of the large spectrum of social problems today in America. An individuals view on this issue might vary depending on their political ideology. Modern conservatives might not necessarily agree withRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide And The Rights Of Patients1523 Words  | 7 PagesPhysician-assisted suicide needs to be recognized by the federal government to show terminally ill patients that their right to autonomy is not being ignored. The Bill of Rights of Patients was constructed to outline just this. According to the American Cancer Society, â€Å"the American Hospital Association drafted a Patients’ Bill of Rights to inform patients of what they could reasonably expect while in the hospital.†One of the notes stated in the Bill of Rights of Patients is the right to autonomyRead MoreThe Right to Physician Assisted Suicide Essay590 Words  | 3 Pages Assisted suicide, by definition, is suicide facilitated by another person, especially a physician, in order to end the life of a patient suffering from an incurable or life-threatening illness. Ever since its first use in the 1970s, physician assisted suicide has been a topic of much controversy in the modern world. Issues surrounding the life or death of a person come with many sensitive areas of concern, including financial, legal, ethical, spiritual, and medical matters. Today, physician assistedRead MoreThe Right to Commit Physician-Assisted Suicide1685 Words  | 7 PagesThe Right to Commit Physician-Assisted Suicide Physician-assisted suicide is suicide by a patient facilitated by means or information (as a drug prescription or indication of the lethal dosage) provided by a physician who is aware of how the patient intends to use such means or information (â€Å"Physician-assisted suicide†). Physician-assisted suicide should be accessible to the incurably ill patient. Allowing a patient to have this freedom could, for one, bypass tremendous pain and suffering.Read MorePhysician Assisted Suicide : A Right Of The People1700 Words  | 7 PagesPhysician-Assisted Suicide: A Right of the People Most people have seen at least one person in their life suffering in unbearable pain up to their death, and it’s never something people find joy in. There is nothing pleasing about being in pain or watching someone be in pain. For those people whose pain does not respond to methods of modern medicine, there should be the option of physician-assisted suicide. â€Å"Physician-assisted suicide refers to the practice of a physician prescribing or regulatingRead MorePhysician-Assisted Suicide: Right or Wrong?1053 Words  | 4 PagesHead: RIGHT OR WRONG? Physician-Assisted Suicide Physician-assisted suicide occurs when a physician helps in the requested death of a voluntary patient (Smith, 2012). In most cases, the patient is terminally ill. A recent study revealed that pain or unbearable pain is not a major motivating factor for the request (Foley et al, 2001). Rather, the motivating factors are the effects of illness, the patients sense of self, and fears about the future. Methods used in conducting physician-assisted suicideRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Is A Human Right1809 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"Death with dignity is a human right: to retain control until the very end and, if the quality of your life is too poor, to decide to end your suffering; the dignity comes from exercising the choice†1 Have you ever had to watch a loved one suffer, with no chance of recovery? Cancer, and other fatal diseases take the lives of people we love every day. It’s hard to sit by and watch someone suffering when they are ready to let go. Think about an animal who is terminal and in pain, the only reason weRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide: The Right to Choose2029 Words  | 9 Pagesyou know, about 57% of physicians today have received a request for physician assisted suicide due to suffering from a terminally ill patient. Suffering has always been a part of human existence, and these requests have been occurring since medicine has been around. Moreover, there are two principles that all organized medicine agree upon. The first one is physicians have a responsibility to relieve pain and suffering of dying patients in their care. The second one is physicians must respect patients’Read More Physician Assisted Suicide: The Right To Choose Essay2607 Words  | 11 Pagesrecognized physician performing assisted suicide, Dr, Jack Kevorkian, was sentenced to ten to twenty-five years in prison for second degree murder and three to seven years for delivery of a controlled substance. Assisted suicide happens when a person co mmits suicide with the help of someone else. Physician assisted suicide is generally pain free and, as some would say, the most peaceful way to die. Should it be the right of terminally ill patients to decide if they want to seek out physician assisted suicide
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Water and Vinegar Egg Free Essays
ROLL 9 ISLOM JALOLOV 12/21/2011 LAB REPORT ROLL 9 ISLOM JALOLOV EGG LAB REPORT PURPOSE: WHICH IS MORE PERMEABLE SALT WATER, VINEGAR, OR CORN SYRUP APPARATUS: STRING, RULER, E-BALANCE, 250 ML BEAKERS, PEN MATERIALS: EGG, WATER, SALTY WATER, CORN SYRUP, VINEGAR INTRODUCTION: I AM DOING A LAB REPORT ABOUT EGGS, I’M USING SALTY WATER, VINEGAR, CORN SYRUP, AND I AM GOING TO TRY TO FIGURE OUT WHICH IS MORE PERMEABLE THAN ALL. REALISTIC STATEMENT: YES MY RESULTS ARE REALISTIC PROCEDURE: STEP #1: COLLECT ALL THE SUPPLIES I NEED STEP #2: HAVE A NOTEBOOK TO COPY THE DOWN THE RESULTS STEP #3: FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS, THAT SHOWS HOW TO DO THE TESTING ON EGGS STEP #4: OBSERVE WHAT I HAVE CONCLUSION: THEREFORE ALLMOST ALL OF THEM ARE PERMEABLE DATA TABLE 1From: vinegarTo: corn      syrup | -Height increased from vinegar in 2 daysFrom: 16 cmNormal eggTo: 19cmAfter vinegar-But the egg deflated and diameter was UndeniableAfter corn syrup     | -Width increased from vinegar in 2 daysFrom: 14. 5cmTo: 17cm-Egg deflated in the corn syrup and diameter was Undeniable| 100. We will write a custom essay sample on Water and Vinegar Egg or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2gEgg smelled like vinegar till the end of the experiment118. 6gCorn syrup did not change color| Before the project-58. g Egg was still white, although, it’s crust was very smoothAfter vinegar egg was smooth and had liquid’s smellAfter vinegar-87. 7gEgg deflated after corn syrupCorn syrup71. 9g| 2From:VinegarTo: water| -Height increased from the vinegar that egg was in for 2 daysFrom: 16 cm Normal eggTo: 18cm After vinegar-After water egg’s height increased21cm After water| Mass of the vinegar:149. 8gEgg was on topPlus the egg swelled the liquidMass of the water;98. 2gEgg was in its biggest state| Mass of the vinegar:149. 8gEgg was on topPlus the egg swelled the liquidMass of the water;98. gEgg was in its biggest state| Mass of the eggMass after vinegarMass after waterEgg was seen throughIn white orange dots all over the egg| 3From: vinegarTo: salt-water| -Height increased from the vinegar that egg was in for 2 days From: 16. 5 cmNormal egg heightTo: 20 cmAfter vinegar-And when the egg was in water for 1 day it decreased in height by 2 cm 18cm after water| -Width increased by 3. 5 cmFrom: 14. 5cmNormal eggTo: 18cm     After vinegar-And when the egg was in water for 1 day it decreased in height by 2 cm(16cm) after salt water| Mass of the vinegar;108. gEgg soak the liquidMass of the salt water:130. 5gEgg soak the liquid| Mass of the egg: 51. 9gMass after vinegar:61. 4gEgg soak the liquid Mass after salt-water:81. 9gSmelled like vinegar White colorGummy and very soft Very big in size| GROUP #1 GROUP #2 GROUP #3 DIAGRAM STRING RULER E-BALANCE 250 BEAKER PEN 1. WHAT HAPPENS TO AN EGG IF YOU LET IT SOAK IN WATER FOR A VERY LONG TIME? WHY? The egg usually becomes lose and heavy, also its size gets larger, these things happen because it was in the water 2. WHY DID WE SOAK THE EGG IN VINEGAR? To see if the egg was permeable to the vinegar 3. WHY DID THE EGG IN THE CORN SYRUP SHRINK? Lots of the go out of the egg and get mixed with Corn Syrup so it gets smaller and its weight changes 4. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE EGG IN THE WATER? WHY? The egg got smaller and it looked little bigger than the first time. It changes because I think the Corn Syrup has elements that shrank the egg but water doesn’t. 5. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE EGG IN THE SALT WATER? WHY? It got the egg to becomes really small I think because salt has lots of elements so it happen because of the Salt How to cite Water and Vinegar Egg, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Debating Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Question: Describe about the Debating Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply? Answer: Introduction Oil price hike is a major concern for the developed as well as developing economies in todays globalised world. Oil is a very important resource for growing an economy, because it is used in almost every step towards development from agriculture to industry. The people of the economy are now more techs savvy. The crude oil to the refined one everything has its demand in different sector in the industry. So the change in the oil price highly affects the economic condition of the developed as well as developing one. If the price of oil increases, it influence the energy producing countries positively as their revenue increases by exporting that oil or the products in which oil is used as a major input. In case of oil importing countries it deteriorates, the conditions of the consumers as the hike in oil price cause an all over inflation in those economies (Ioannides, 2014). Overview Occurring inflation is quite obvious in such countries. Nowadays oil has become the root of the economies. Almost every industry from manufacturing to agricultural, from textile to transport industry the role of oil is inevitable in those businesses. If we consider the agricultural sector, we can see that the oil is used there as an energy resource for pumping, willowing. In the manufacturing sector from hard core machineries to textiles, to run the machines electricity is needed. In the transport sector to rn the vehicles energy is needed. So, all these things ultimately require the oil (Debating Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply: Introduction, 2010). Increase in Oil price also influences the food price. The cause of the food inflation is the increase of its production cost as well as transportation cost due to hike in oil price (Ito, 2010). Aggregate supply model The aggregate supply model mainly deals with the effect of change in the supply of output due to change of its price. The effect can be divided in to two ways as par the time span having been considered. One is short run and the other is long run effect. In the long run the aggregate supply curve is vertical but in the short run it is upward sloping. There are mainly four types of model: Sticky price, Sticky wage, Workers misperception, imperfect information. We can explain the fall or rise in oil price using any of these models. But as all these models are useful to picturise the issue of fall or hike in oil price, we can get the clearer picture if we consider the all these four models simultaneously. The relationship of the price of oil with its supply can be depicted as follows: Y= YNATURAL + a(P-PEXPECTED), Where YNATURAL is the natural rate of output produced when all the inputs are used at its normal rates, a is a constant which is greater than zero; P is the price level; PEXPECTED is the expected price level and the Y is the ultimate output level (Lawn, 2006). Research Methodology If we want to study it on one country in particular, at first we have to consider an oil exporting country as here we have consider the supply side of the economy and want to investigate how the economy will be affected if the price will change for the oil. If it falls, obviously the exporting countries will suffer from low revenue by exporting oil. The economic structure of the OPEC countries thus will readily be affected. The data has to be taken in the logarithmic form. The real GDP, national currency exchange rate for that particular country, the real price of oil in there and the total unemployment rate all these variables have to be taken under consideration (OIL PRICE REVIEW, 2010). Positive supply shock: an effective reduction in oil price What we notice in the above diagram that the fall of oil price causes the aggregate supply curve to shift to rightward. Previously the AS1 curve intersects the downward sloping AD1 curve at the point A. Now as the price of oil is reduced it causes to shift the AS curve to the new position AS2. The new equilibrium occurs at the position of B. What we can see in the diagram, is that at the new equilibrium point, price level falls so inflation decreases. Another point is that the output level or the real income level increases than that of the initial situation. The economic interpretation is that the economic development is observed while the real income increases. It accelerates the pace of the economic growth for that particular oil importing nation. Now as the enrgy sector is solely dependent upon the availability of the crude oil, its volatility as the factor cost severely affect the economy. Now as the price of oil falls as in this case, it opens up several employment opportunities. So, we can say that this positive supply shock can reduce the unemployment of Britain as an oil importing nation. But what we observe in the above diagram is that as the time passes the aggregate demand also tries to adjust with the new availability of aggregate supply. We can justify it by Says law. As par that law, supply creates its own demand. Somehow it has been followed here also. As the time passes, in the long run the aggregate demand curve also shifts downward to adjust with the change in the short run. The new equilibrium occurs at the point C. Adverse supply shock: a significant hike in oil price Since lowering, the price is a good thing to the middle class common people so the results of it will not be the major concern for the developing economy. They mainly suffer from the issue of going up the price level of oil.Through the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model here; we represent the situation of a Middle East economy with the light of impact of rise in the oil prices. The model is here being used to analyze what should be the key targets or economic policies to fight with the external shocks. The activity here has been designed to show the role of the aggregate demand and aggregate supply in this kind of situation of the economy. The model used is a simplified one. Models are used to compare the reality with a standard perfect situation (POSSO, 2012). It helps us to diagnose how far the real situation is from the ideal one. It gives the idea about the non-standard ceases also by changing the main variables. It can be checked by varying one or more than one variables, then what happens if the economy gets that kind of shock. It helps to predict the future situation and rectify the economy over time with the method of rational expectation (SHU, 2007). As we go on the deep of the problem, the model becomes more complex, as the availability of information diminishes. An increase in oil prices majorly affects the aggregate supply as the oil is such a product which is used in almost every industry. So hike in oil prices will cause increase in the price of the factor inputs which lie on the economy. So it will cause the aggregate supply schedule to shift rightward so that inflation increases than the initial situation (Steffy, 2011). What we can see in the above diagram is the real national income decreases with the shift of the AS curve to the new position. It is obvious, because as we have discussed earlier that the oil price hike causes the deterioration of the purchasing power of the common people. And here in this diagram fall in real national income refers to the same situation (Acemoglu, Finkelstein and Notowidigdo, 2009). The contraction in the aggregate supply lowers the real income causing a lower economic growth faced by the economy. Now low economic growth causes lack of employment as the prospect of future recruitment is very disappointing in the industry (Zhang et al., 2014). So in case of Britain what we notice in case of increase in oil price is the severe unemployment in the industrial economy, because of the dependency of the modern technology on the energy sector. The economic interpretation is very clear, as each industry is more or less dependent in the energy sector, so this external shock of significant oil price hike causes massive inflation resulting severe unemployment in every sector due to the fall in real national income from Y1 to Y2 (Sachs, 2011). Concluding remarks Here what we can see is that the oil shock severely affects the economic power of any country in the global perspective. The empirical research can be done here considering any of the OPEC countries and can be shown that the how the external shock affects the price level of the crude oil of that country and thereby causes to disbalance the economic structure. So, though change in price of oil externally is a short run phenomenon, still its impact is retained still in the long run. References Debating Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply: Introduction. (2010).Review of Radical Political Economics, 42(3), pp.307-307. Ioannides, Y. (2014). 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Companies Behavior of Carbon Emission Reduction at the Risk of Oil Price Volatility.Procedia Computer Science, 31, pp.291-298. Acemoglu, D., Finkelstein, A. and Notowidigdo, M. (2009).Income and health spending. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. Sachs, J. (2011).The price of civilization. London: Bodley Head. Steffy, L. (2011).Drowning in oil. New York: McGraw-Hill.
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