Wednesday, December 25, 2019
What the Experts Are Not Saying About Essay Topics for 10 Class and What This Means For You
What the Experts Are Not Saying About Essay Topics for 10 Class and What This Means For You The Little-Known Secrets to Essay Topics for 10 Class In choosing your topic, it's frequently a good notion to start out with a subject which you already have some familiarity with. Regardless of the topic you chose to approach, it is better that you share your work with the class or teacher, however scary it could be. Ask your teacher if you have any suspicions about this issue you have decided on. Obviously, many classes will assign your question, or supply you with a list of questions to pick from. The Awful Secret of Essay Topics for 10 Class A variety of potential paper's subjects allows students choosing the best ones utilizing personal wisdom and number of different explanations. Sure, with this kind of a big selection of topics to pick from, picking just one may be challenging. A diversity of feasible paper's subjects allows students choosing the best ones utilizing persona l knowledge and extra reasons. With proper main topics, students may reach fantastic outcomes. The 30-Second Trick for Essay Topics for 10 Class Many brilliant individuals who achieved success in life proved actually academic drop-outs. Additionally, it's also pretty simple to deliver in the front of the class. The shortage of excellent support sources are going to result in a decrease grade. The ideal thing is to choose a topic that will provide you with an opportunity to present new ideas or a fresh perspective on a problem. The introduction should offer general information which will be included in the write-up. Education scholars are continuously evolving the way that they think about how we learn and what's taught. Students have to be in a position to describe their environment properly, which is exactly why researching topics for a descriptive essay will bring them on the perfect track to appraise their learning approach. At various classes, they learn how to perform great articles. This information will be beneficial. Since you can see, several of the topics listed are new and deal with the present issues happening in the World today. To collect such info, a detailed main research is necessary. Fantastic news is that we've got a solution. Whatever the case, it's always a better idea to work with a topic that is especially close to you and that you are in possession of a genuine interest in, instead of just picking a random topic. So you don't actually wish to get a topic! The topic has to be interesting, the topic has to be essential and finally the topic has to be informative. Thus, it should be debatable! You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make certain to do your homework on what the recent laws about your favorite topic actually say. Curriculum proposal topics is a means to try. From among the persuasive speech topics listed here, select the one which you are most well-informed about or make sure you've got the time necessary to research and prepare an extensive speech that covers every facet of the topic. Most Noticeable Essay Topics for 10 Class Your tutor won't be content to see this kind of assignment, and that is going to reflect on your grade. To compose a strong argumentative essay, students should start by familiarizing themselves with a number of the common, and frequently conflicting, positions on the research topic so they can write an educated paper. Every student should know that writing isn't an effortless job, which explains why they will need to be especially attentive when writing a descriptive essay. Every student who would like to perform a great academic paper can use mentioned subjects and example argumentative essay to do a great work. The reason why a lot of students choose to tackle descriptive essay topics is because they are simple to cope with. Remember your essay is about solving problems, therefore a solution ought to be a highlight of the essay. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to discover ready-made essays and use them as an example. Locating good essay topics you might discuss effectively and create powerful argumentative essays is a tricky work. If when you are preparing a report you just analyze specific literature, the essay demands a superb penetration into the issue. Essay isn't a four-letter wordthough you might feel like using a couple of your own when it is time to write one. A proposal essay is quite easy to comprehend. Argumentative essay is a type of academic paper that demands profound understanding of analyzed problem and a huge collection of personal opinions and facts. Things You Should Know About Essay Topics for 10 Class Application essays about challenges reveal how you respond to difficulty to folks who are really interested in how you'll manage the subsequent four years by yourself. So, it's a significant foundation for assorted epic stories! For some, it could be the very first time they've been away from family for a drawn-out period. Explain your commitments, and you'll be the sort of student colleges find immensely attractive.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Disputed Territory of Israel and Palestine - 1865 Words
The territory of Israel and Palestine has been disputed since 1947, and the conflict in this region continues to this day. It has become an international conflict as it has spread outside the boundaries of those nations involved, associating other countries such as Syria, Jordan and Egypt with the contentions. Other countries have also become involved, with the aim of generating peace and stability throughout the region, but as of yet, the unrest remains. The recent conflict originally arose after world war two as a result of the UN (United Nations) allowing the division of the Palestine region into Jewish and Arab sectors because of the migration of many Jews into the region, in 1930 alone 230,000 Jews moved into this location to avoid the negative attitudes and actions that were brought about as a result of the Hitler Regime. The Palestinians believe that Israel belongs to them, and that the UN’s decision is wrong, whereas the Jews believe that parts of the land belong to t hem because of the religiously important history related to the location, a movement known as Zionism also encouraged Jews to move to Palestine as they saw it as the natural location to create a Jewish state. One location that was proven in court to religiously belong to the Jews is the Sheik Jarrah neighbourhood, where Jews are now being allowed to settle, with the other parts of the population being forcefully evicted from their homes. One location that is populated by Palestinians is that of theShow MoreRelatedThe Difficulties of the Attempts to Find a Peace Settlement Between the Palestinians and the Jews646 Words  | 3 PagesThe Difficulties of the Attempts to Find a Peace Settlement Between the Palestinians and the Jews The Palestinians and the Jews have been fighting over the land of Palestine. Both believe that they have greater claim than the other. The Jews believe the land is theirs because they had lived there centuries ago, it was the land promised by God to Abraham thousands of years ago. The Palestinian Arabs believe the land is theirs because ever since the Jews left, the Arabs haveRead MoreThe Arab Israeli War ( 1948-49 ) A Political Conflict?1719 Words  | 7 PagesMuseum, accessed 2017). A long-term solution was necessary. On November 29, 1947 the United Nations decided to partition the former British Mandate of Palestine - the religious and historical ‘homeland’ of the Jews - creating side-by-side Jewish and Palestinian states. This political solution was known as ‘Resolution 181’ or the ‘Partition Resolution (Israel and Judaism Studies, accessed 2017).’ This course of action brought with it far reaching and unforeseen consequences. The ‘Partition Resolution’Read MoreThe Struggle For Land And Palestine : What s The Problems Ahead?1698 Words  | 7 PagesThe Struggle for Land in Israel and Palestine: What’s the Problems Ahead? Abstract The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a continuing conflict, which is a part of Arab-Israel conflict and the Middle East war. This paper mainly explores the conflicts which caused the struggle for land in Israel and Palestine. Why Is It So Hard to Stop Struggling For Land? The land struggle between Israel and Palestine have never ended for almost a century. Today, though there are a lot of agreements, the conflictsRead MoreCauses of the Six Day War4151 Words  | 17 PagesWhat were the causes of Israel-Palestine war? TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT AANALYSIS THE CAUSES OF ISRAEL/PALESTINE CONFLICT: THE FIRST INTIFADA 1987-93 DIVIDING THE MAP THE 1948 WAR ZIONISM 1967/OCCUPATION THE ARABS, TERRORISM amp; SECURITY: â€Å"NO SOLUTION†THE WALL/FENCE/BARRIER DELEGITIMIZING THE STATEHOOD DECLARATION BY PALESTINE THE IMPACT OF SCARCE WATER RESOURCES ON THE ARAB-ISRAEL CONFLICT CAMP DAVID FAILURE THE ISRAEL-PALESTINE CONFLICT IS CENTRAL TO THE MILITANTS’ CAUSE Abstract Read MoreThe End Of World War I2396 Words  | 10 Pagesthe 1917 Belfour Declaration, which endorsed the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine and the preservation of the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish Palestinian communities. Consequently, the British Mandate in the region of Israel, the former Palestine, which was initiated and endorsed by the League of Nations in 1922, and which incorporated the Belfour Declaration. The control of Israel has changed hands multiple times since then and subsequently, its borders have shifted considerablyRead MoreIsrael And Palestine Conflict Between Judaism And Islam1568 Words  | 7 PagesIsrael and Palestine The conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis is largely a religious conflict. Even though religion, ethnicity, territory, and politics are inextricably interwoven, the conflict is largely fueled and driven on by the religious rift between Judaism and Islam. Without the religious component of a Jewish state and the religious identity of the Palestinians clashing against one another, perhaps the conflict would still have emerged out of territorial or nationalistic disputesRead More Middle East Essay1381 Words  | 6 Pagesland and under their control the conflict remained minimal. But within months of their departure, and the division of the land between Israel and the surrounding Arab nations, war broke out. The Arabs were unhappy with the UNs divisions of the land, and in an attempt to obtain the land, which they believed was rightfully theirs; they attacked the State of Israel. To the surprise of many, the armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan fell to Israeli troops and in stead of gaining land, they lost it. AlmostRead MoreEssay about The Arab Isreali Conflict1555 Words  | 7 Pagesancestral home, land of Israel (or Palestine). Political Zionism, the belief that Jews should establish a state for themselves in Palestine, was a revolutionary idea for the 19th Century. During World War I, Jews supported countries that constituted the Central Powers because they detested the tyranny of czarist Russia. Both the Allies and Central Powers needed Jewish support, but Germany could not espouse Zionism due to its ties with the Ottoman Empire, which still controlled Palestine. British Prime MinisterRead MoreThe Conflict Between Israel And Palestine Essay2089 Words  | 9 Pages The conflict between Israel and Palestine has raged on since Israel s founding in the 1940s, the solution to this problem is not always straight forward or clear. It seems like everyone has formed their opinions and are stuck in their ways. The United Nations has even seem to accep t the conflict as a certainty and for a large part does not wish to address it (Baker). However just because this problem is complex doesn t mean there is no hope for a solution. This conflict is generally seen as aRead MorePolitical Status of the Disputed Territories1318 Words  | 5 PagesPolitical status of the disputed territories The political status between the nations of Israel and Palestine is a continuing crisis that began upon Israels formation shortly after the conclusion of World War II. Many small scale wars and battles have been fought over the years killing many and intensifying the region. The political situation sees many Western forces providing economic and military support for Israel. The conflict lies in two general areas: religious idolatry and the formation
Monday, December 9, 2019
Analysis of Customer Intention & Motivation to Use Self Service
Question: An analysis of customer intention and motivation to use self service checkouts while making purchases in supermarkets: A case analysis of Tesco Plc. Answer: Introduction Background: The title of the research indicates that it is concerned with analysing the intention and motivation of customers in using self service checkouts. The problem faced by them while purchasing from supermarket is mainly to wait for longer time period which can be resolved through self service technology. Rationale for the Study: The research issue is the longer wait time within customers while they purchases from supermarkets. This is an issue because people already have less time and a longer wait time affects their purchase intention in supermarkets. This research therefore analyses whether customers are ready to use self service technology and whether it benefits in terms of overall time reduction at the cash counter. Research Aims and Objectives: The aim is to analyse the customer intention and motivation in using self service checkout technology while shopping at supermarkets. The objectives are: To analyse the concept of self service technology To assess the role and importance of this technology. To evaluate its applicability in large retail stores. To assess the intention and motivation of customers in using self service technology. Research Question and Hypothesis: The research question is what motivates customers in using self service technology in large supermarkets? The hypothesis is: Ho: There is no significant intention and motivation of customers in using self service technology. Ha: There is significant level of intention and motivation of customers in using self service technology. Literature Review and Conceptual Framework Self service checkout according to Lin and Chang (2011) is an important way in which customers perform the interaction with technology in respect to retail outlets mainly the large supermarkets. The importance of self service checkout technology is significantly higher especially in respect to retailing as suggested by Hilton, Hughes, Little and Marandi (2013). According to them, this technology allows customers in achieving more from fewer resources. According to Lin and Chang (2011), the major multinational fast food companies such as McDonald, Burger King, Taco Bell etc have already considered the application of this technology. In terms of motivation in utilising self service technology, the research as conducted by Kokkinou and Cranage (2013) indicates that the main motivating factor behind customers considering the application of self service technology in large retail outlets is mainly the attainment of reduction in waiting time. A study by Dabholkar, Bobbitt and Lee (2003) ha s identified significant other motivating factors in using self service technology such as higher flexibility factor, easy use of self scanning control, and greater control over purchasing process. The conceptual framework as considered appropriate in performing this research is: Research Design and Methodology Philosophy and Research Methods: In performing the collection of data, the research philosophy of interpretivism will be considered by the researcher because it requires the interpretation of customers intention and motivation in using self service checkout. The research methods will mainly include the collection of quantitative data whereby the viewpoints of large number of respondents would be collected. Accessing Data- The data collection will mainly be performed by primary research with the customers of Tesco Plc and also through secondary research in the form of analysing academic books and journals (Creswell, 2003). Methods of Data Capture: The primary method that will be utilised in collecting primary data is mainly through survey with the customer of Tesco Plc and this will be performed through the application of questionnaire that will comprise of closed ended questions on customer motivation in using self service technology. The sampling method will be simple random sampling, and sampling size of 50 customers of Tesco Plc would be considered. The data analysis and interpretation method will be correlation analytical tool which will allow in identifying the relations between customer motivation and intention in using self service technology. Limitations: The limitation is that it will provide only numerical data, but the subjective data collection will not be ensured in this research (Fink, 2006). Ethical Issues: The ethical issues would be in terms of protecting the anonymity and confidentiality of respondents which will be ensured by making it sure that the research pays adequate attention towards these aspects. Resources Requires: The resources needed in doing this research includes adequate accessibility to finance, accessibility to important databases such as emerald, ebscohost etc for doing the secondary research and adequate level of time (Creswell, 2003). Timetable The timetable in doing this research is indicated as follows: References Creswell, J.W. (2003), Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 2nd ed, UK: Publisher SAGE. Dabholkar, P.A., Bobbitt, L.M. and Lee, E. (2003), Understanding consumer motivation and behaviour related to self-scanning in retailing, Implication for strategy and research on technology-based self-service, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 59-95. Fink, A. (2006), How to conduct surveys: a step-by-step guide, (3rd ed.), SAGE. Hilton, T., Hughes, T., Little, E. and Marandi, E. (2013), Adopting self-service technology to do more with less, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 27 (1), pp. 3-12. Kokkinou, A. and Cranage, D.A. (2013), Using self-service technology to reduce customer waiting times, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 33, pp. 435-445. Lin, J. and Hsieh, P. (2011), Assessing the Self-service Technology Encounters: Development and Validation of SSTQUAL Scale, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 87 (2), pp. 194-206.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Your friend Dimitri has invited you to his graduat Essays
Your friend Dimitri has invited you to his graduation party. Write an e-mail/letter accepting the invitation and asking what you can do to help. Dear Dimitri, It was great to hear from you. I am sorry I haven't for such a long time. I hope everything is going well for you and your family. You can't imagine my excitement when I was informed about your graduation. Congratulations. Thank you so much for your invitation to your graduation party. I would love to come and help in whatever way possible. Your house has a great garden so I hope the weather will let us to enjoy the party over there. I believe that you should build a lively atmosphere so everyone feels more comfortable. In order to achieve that you should add more flowers, colorful balloons, ribbons and some fireworks. Furthermore concerning food and drinks you could prepare some home-made dishes and have some beverages in the fridge and anyone who is invite could bring desserts and more drinks instead of gifts. Moreover if you want any help with the music I could bring my laptop filled with a big collection of music tracks that can satisfy everyone's taste. Also I would suggest a theme party with dressing code. It would be lighten up the mood if everyone is dressed in a graduation uniform. In addition to the above except your closest friends you should also invite your former classmates and teachers. I'm sure they are the people who understand the most the significance of your achievement. I hope my suggestions will help you with the upcoming party. Give my regards to your family and I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Your friend, George
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